Wuxi Shuoyang Stainless Steel Co.,Ltd.
158 9530 9499
Introduction to 430 Stainless Steel
430 stainless steel is a universal steel with good corrosion resistance. Its thermal conductivity is better than that of austenite, and its coefficient of thermal expansion is smaller than that of austenite. It is heat-resistant and fatigue resistant. With the addition of stabilizing element titanium, the mechanical properties of weld joints are good. 430 stainless steel is used for building decoration, fuel burner components, household appliances, and home appliance components. 430F is a steel grade with easy cutting performance added to 430 steel, mainly used for automatic lathes, bolts, and nuts. 430LX adds Ti or Nb to 430 steel, reduces C content, improves processing and welding performance, and is mainly used for hot water tanks, hot water supply systems, sanitary appliances, durable household appliances, bicycle flywheels, etc.
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